Wine Tasting
Home to over a hundred wineries and tasting rooms, San Diego County’s wine scene is booming. Due to the varied topography and microclimates, San Diego has become a successful growing region for a wide selection of grapes. Check out these local favorite tasting rooms and wineries!
Blue Door Urban Winery
This local tasting room boasts a rustic and chic vibe that is extremely welcoming for every wine lover. They`re even open late on the weekends so you can enjoy a nice dinner by the bay and then an equally nice wine tasting.
Location: 4060 Morena Blvd, San Diego, CA 92117
Phone: (858) 274-4292
San Diego County Vintners Association
San Diego is a county laden with many microclimates that give us the opportunity to grow unique and varied varietals across the region. Our generous and complex terroir has been a place for grape growing since the first Spanish friars set foot in San Diego and began the tradition of viticulture in California.
Location: All over San Diego County
Ramona Valley Vineyard Association
Nestled in the front range of the Pacific coastal mountains of Southern California, the Ramona Valley has a rich history of vineyards and wine making, dating back to the early missions. Hot days and cool nights, influenced by the coastal marine layer and fog, contribute to conditions that produce quality wine grapes in the Ramona Valley. The area is a broad valley that is ringed by hills and mountains that isolate it from the surrounding areas. The valley has an average vineyard elevation of 1400 feet and an annual average rainfall of 16.5 inches.
Location: All over the Ramona Valley